" The sun shone, having no alternative, on the nothing new" (Beckett )
Is creativity possible?
A Philosophy Learning Circle meets on Thursdays at 11 am in Hornsey Library ; participants gather at the If: BOOK cafe in Hornsey Library for 11, get coffee, and adjourn to a room. (If you are late, the cafe manager will direct you.0
T o mark the Crouch End Festival the regular attenders invite anyone with an interest to come along to this one off session with no preparation, or prior participation required. Only a willingness to think and discuss.
The session will open with a short discussion on the philosophical notion of "becoming"; this topic matters because only if there is "becoming" can there be change, and only if there is true change, can there be novelty.
With novelty comes creativity certainly, but does creativity require the possibility of novelty?
Also what does Philosophy have to tell us about all the other things happening as part of the Festival
if this sort of thing intrigues you, or baffles you, or you think you know the answer, why not drop along? (and if you DO know the answer please come prepared to tell us what it is)
We will also discuss our plans for the future.
So this will be an opportunity for you to influence them
More information, if required, from David Barry.
nlondon (at) mac.com